Terms and Condition of Sight Care

Please read these terms of use carefully before using our site. By using our site, you agree to follow these terms. If you don’t agree, please don’t use our site.

Reliance on Information & Disclaimer
The information on our site is for general purposes only and is not professional advice. It should not be used as a substitute for medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a healthcare professional before starting any new health programs or changing your medication. We are not responsible for any issues that arise from using the information on our site.

Accessing Our Site
You can use our site temporarily, but we can change or stop the service at any time without notice. We are not responsible if the site is unavailable.

Intellectual Property Rights
We own or license all the content on our site, which is protected by copyright. You can print or download pages for personal use and share them within your organization, but you can’t modify or use the materials for commercial purposes without our permission. If you copy or download content against these rules, we may revoke your access to our site.

Changes to Our Site
We update our site regularly and may change or remove content. We don’t have to update outdated material, and we can close the site anytime.

Information About You
We handle your personal information according to our privacy policy. By using our site, you agree to this and confirm that your data is accurate.

Do not introduce viruses or other harmful materials to our site or try to access our servers without permission. Doing so is illegal, and we will report it to law enforcement. If you cause damage to our site or to your own computer from using it, we are not responsible.

Links to Other Sites
Our site may include links to other sites that we do not control. We are not responsible for the content of these sites or any issues that may arise from using them. Check their own terms and privacy policies.

Privacy Policy
Our privacy policy is part of these terms of use.

We may update these terms of use occasionally. Check this page regularly to stay informed about any changes, as they will apply to you. Some terms may also be updated elsewhere on our site.